donderdag 31 maart 2011

Here is the direct Link to the Interview... Tears Of A Shaman

Here is the direct Link to the Interview... Tears Of A Shaman will be launched soon... all the info regarding this album, talent involved when it will be released possibly and more... stay tuned. :)))

I was asked to write a colume for the prestigious "Huffington Post" at the end of 2010, I would like all of you to join me over there and comment and add your voice as I share my experiences about the Indian Country and the turth about what is going on most American Indian reservations. Everyone can find my blogs at

Type Jay Tavare in search box.
Thank you for you support and love.
With all my heart.
Jay Tavare.

Please know I am not Jay Tavare, nor this is a official page of him. This is just to spread the word. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog of LA vision art.

dinsdag 29 maart 2011

Jay Tavare about his Childhood Hero: Bruce Lee

                                         Bruce Lee with his Teacher Yip Man
Bruce Lee was much more than just a Martial Arts Master... his philosophy of life and the path he walked was my childhood inspiration that lead me to Hollywood. I have met all his family but sadly not Bruce himself... What he started long ago, burns today in every action film that is ever made. Thank you for keeping his memory alive with this fan page... :)))) Jay Tavare. aka Vega in street fighter.

                                Jay Tavare with his Teacher Sempai Benny the Jet
                               (Benny and Jay (Vega) on the set of Street Fighter)

Please know I am not Jay Tavare, nor this is a official page of him. This is just to spread the word. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog of LA vision art.


Jay Tavare will be on air LIVE on LA Talk Radio!!!

Jay Tavare will be on air LIVE on LA Talk Radio at 5:00 PM Tomorrow afternoon March 29th, Both Alexander van Bubenhiem and Jay Tavare are the guest of Sheena Metal ( The Sheena Metal Experience ) on Channel 2. This interview will focus on our musical album " Tears Of A Shaman " with some sample tracks you can hear... and much much more... if you miss it catch us in the archives... it will be posted.
Please know I am not Jay Tavare, nor this is a official page of him. This is just to spread the word. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog of LA vision art.


woensdag 2 maart 2011

Jay Tavare on Radio !!!! 13 interviews in 2010 !!!! Conversations with Jay Tavare

October 1, 2009

September 16, 2010

  • The Sheena Metal Experience with JAY TAVARE

October 19, 2010
  • The Mother Love Show with JAY TAVARE (second hour)

October 25, 2010
  • Voices of the Hoop - Kelli Healing Doe Bennet with JAY TAVARE

October 27, 2010
  • Sheena Metal with JAY TAVARE

October 31, 2010
  •  Al Malmburg, 600KCOL Fox News Radio: JAY TAVARE
 J a y    a n d    G u e s t    I n t e r v i e w s

September 30, 2010
  • BENNY AND THE JETS! :  Ethan Dettenmaier with JAY TAVARE and BENNY The JET

September 23, 2010

  • Sheena Metal Experience with JAY TAVARE and ROD RONDEAUX

October 1, 2010
  • The Sheena Metal Experience with JAY TAVARE and AROS CRYSTOS

November 4, 2010
  • Ethan Dettenmaier: Jay Tavare and Alexander van Bubenheim (2 shows) hour) hour)
 November 25, 2010

   >  Ethan Dettenmaier : Jay Tavare and Christopher Coppola  on Thanks Giving Day. 


Thank you for taking the time to readthis Blog of LA Vision Art.

Blessings LA

Apache Teens: An Unspoken Truth... (have been written on 28 oktober 2009)

There are questions in life that can't be answered or explained away with a smart answer, I found myself in exactly such place this month... There are many things that happen on the Indian Reservations that never make the head lines, or the news. For decades the rates of unemployment, homicide, substance abuse and suicide, have been several times higher than the rest of the United States... The Indian Nations are free Nations, subject to their own laws on their own Lands. Over the last 6 weeks on the Apache rez in NM, six young people ages 14 to 26 took their own lives for no apparent reason!?? No these kids were not substance abusers or in a bad circles or any of the usual reasons one might assume. Even the parents could not fathom these tragedies ? I have tried to imagine being so down in spirit to take my own life... but I JUST CAN"T! There is always a reason to live, to strive, to be grateful... Life is a true gift !
Just as the moth within the cocoon must struggle to be able to become the butterfly, but more importantly the struggle is how the moth develops the Power of Flight...! Free the moth from it's cocoon any sooner... and it can not fly !!!!
The younger generations have lost the communication with their Elders and the bridge between them and their parents has grown wider... The elders also find this bridge between them has fallen aside and so a real crisis is at hand on most reservations, a crisis of identity that needs addressing... and to close this gap that has cut the young from their elders...
I have been invited to go back to the rez and speak with the entire Mesalero Apache School. I am honored, but I realize there is no simple answer to this problem...

Jay Tavare

Dear friends,

I know that you are aware of my work with the Adopt-a-Native Elder (ANE) Program, which provides food and clothing to the Elders on the Navajo Reservation, and you are aware that for the past 5 years, I have attended the annual Navajo Rug Show held at Park City, Utah. I am writing today to ask your help in providing firewood to the Elders.

You may have heard that last winter was a very difficult one for the Navajo people, and firewood was very scarce and costly. There was so much snow in January that roads were not passable and many Elders could not obtain needed firewood, water, food and supplies.  Did you know that many Elders in the Program depend on firewood as their sole source of heat? Many live in traditional hogans or simple homes that are heated with firewood. The most traditional Elders also cook with firewood. As they get older, it becomes more difficult for them to gather firewood on their own. Much of the firewood for these Elders comes from a hundred or more miles away from where they live.

I don’t want to see such hardships again this year for our Elders. I am writing to ask you to help me raise money for the “Warming Hearts Firewood Program.” It costs $100 in firewood to keep one family warm. You can help me by asking ten of your friends to each donate $10, and ask them to get ten of their friends to donate $10 each. Just $10, that is not a lot of money for each person who participates, but together it will grow, and we will be able to raise enough money to help the Elders through another winter.
Or just donate whatever amount you wish individually.  Any $$$ can help. Fire means life... please help save the Elders. 

You and your friends who choose to participate in this program can help me raise the needed funds to provide firewood for the Navajo Elders. Just fill out the donation form below and send it with a check or credit card number to ANE at the address provided in the form.

Finally, I invite you to attend the 21st Annual “Weaving World Peace” Navajo Rug Show in Utah this November, see, volunteer at the Rug Show and meet these amazing Elders. It is an incredible spiritual and fulfilling experience like no other. This year, for the first time in the 21-year history of the Rug Show, there will be a Warming Hearts Firewood Program booth manned by those of you who can come on this spiritual quest.

Warming Hearts Firewood Program

Donation Amount: $_____________ □ check enclosed
OR □ credit card #____________________
Expiration Date: ________ (Visa, MasterCard or American Express)

Donor’s Name ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: Street ________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________ State ___________________ Zip ________
Email: _________________________________________ Phone: ________________________

Return to: Adopt-A-Native-Elder Program, POB 3401, Park City, UT 84060
Phone (801-474-0535) or (435-649-0535)

Thank you for taking the time to read this Blog of LA vision art.
Blessings LA