Dear friends,
I know that you are aware of my work with the Adopt-a-Native Elder (ANE) Program, which provides food and clothing to the Elders on the Navajo Reservation, and you are aware that for the past 5 years, I have attended the annual Navajo Rug Show held at Park City, Utah. I am writing today to ask your help in providing firewood to the Elders.
You may have heard that last winter was a very difficult one for the Navajo people, and firewood was very scarce and costly. There was so much snow in January that roads were not passable and many Elders could not obtain needed firewood, water, food and supplies. Did you know that many Elders in the Program depend on firewood as their sole source of heat? Many live in traditional hogans or simple homes that are heated with firewood. The most traditional Elders also cook with firewood. As they get older, it becomes more difficult for them to gather firewood on their own. Much of the firewood for these Elders comes from a hundred or more miles away from where they live.
I don’t want to see such hardships again this year for our Elders. I am writing to ask you to help me raise money for the “Warming Hearts Firewood Program.” It costs $100 in firewood to keep one family warm. You can help me by asking ten of your friends to each donate $10, and ask them to get ten of their friends to donate $10 each. Just $10, that is not a lot of money for each person who participates, but together it will grow, and we will be able to raise enough money to help the Elders through another winter.
Or just donate whatever amount you wish individually. Any $$$ can help. Fire means life... please help save the Elders.
You and your friends who choose to participate in this program can help me raise the needed funds to provide firewood for the Navajo Elders. Just fill out the donation form below and send it with a check or credit card number to ANE at the address provided in the form.
Finally, I invite you to attend the 21st Annual “Weaving World Peace” Navajo Rug Show in Utah this November, see, volunteer at the Rug Show and meet these amazing Elders. It is an incredible spiritual and fulfilling experience like no other. This year, for the first time in the 21-year history of the Rug Show, there will be a Warming Hearts Firewood Program booth manned by those of you who can come on this spiritual quest.
Warming Hearts Firewood Program
Donation Amount: $_____________ □ check enclosed
OR □ credit card #____________________
Expiration Date: ________ (Visa, MasterCard or American Express)
Donor’s Name ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: Street ________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________ State ___________________ Zip ________
Email: _________________________________________ Phone: ________________________
Return to: Adopt-A-Native-Elder Program, POB 3401, Park City, UT 84060
Phone (801-474-0535) or (435-649-0535)
Thank you for taking the time to read this Blog of LA vision art.
Blessings LA
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